
Monday, March 14, 2011

White day

Korea is strange.
But strange.

Today we are celebrating "WHITE DAY".
White day happens one month after valentines day. Valentines day is where the girl supplies gifts and treats to the boy. White day, March 14, is when the boy buys gifts and treats for the girl.

I had a Seoul date with two lovely ladies instead. The mish-mash photo-diary:

White day treats. Damn. They are everywhere.

Ring shopping. (not to do with white day or valentines day or any other form of love-day)

Ring buying.

Shop window display. Awesome. But Strange. (I told you)

Lunch. Mexican. Delicious.

Graffiti. Strange. Awesome.

Starbucks. Obviously.

A cafe with all three of my favorite things. Yes.

Cupcakes. More delicious.

Bernini. In Korea. What a find.

Stamps. Stamps. MORE stamps.

Art store. YES.

Korea. Shop display. Awesome/strange.

Alarm goes off. Flying thing flies through air and around room. Alarm will not stop until flying thing is returned to it's post.
The anti-snooze alarm. SMART. AWESOME.

Some wonderful things.

Wall art.

Me sitting next to the twiggy chair. (look closely)

It was a great White day!
Next month... April 14th... We celebrate BLACK DAY. (SINGLES ONLY).
(no, really. it's a thing. Strange/Awesome. i know.)

(ps. all pics taken with the instagram photo-app.)

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