
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

what the frack!?


I thought I'd show you this gorgeous pic taken by the un.earthed team.  Un.earthed is epic project created by an independent crew of dedicated photographers and cinematographers who are investigating the method of hydraulic fracturing in The Karoo and other regions.
The project is committed to thorough, objective research and encouraging open and accurate discussion amidst heated debates currently unfolding in the country.
You can read more about the project on the official un.earthed website or follow the blog for more regular updates. These guys are currently trying to raise moolah on the indiegogo site  to reach their goal of $20 000. The team are working pro-bono and would really appreciate any kind of contribution for all their hard work. Pop over to indiegogo and make a little pledge for a good cause :)

1 comment:

  1. I was just doing some googling and your article came u about un.earthed and I was highly amused - because the womens doing the filming are my housemates :) I was wondering how you know of them, and passed your post to Jolynn in case she hadn't seen it (though she probably has!).
