
Friday, January 4, 2013

{ hello 2013 }


{HELLO 2013}

This is my first post of the New Year - viva la 2013! and big Hello to all the new indieBerries readers!
I thought I would start off this year's blog posting with six of my personal resolutions. They are random and in no particular order.

  • Launch a little Somethin'
    I have been cooking up a little something behind the scenes for quite some time now and I'm very excited about it! The whole project has taken a bit of a back seat with all the wedding planning currently on the go - (BIG DAY RAPIDLY APPROACHING) so I will only be able to fully devote my time to this little somethin' again after our wedding (6 April yo!).  This year, this little project of mine is on my priority list of things to do and now I've even put it on indieBerries to make myself accountable to it! I don't want to say too much more about it just yet - but look out for a big launch... hopefully coming soon (but not before April. lol).
  • Let my Hair Down a little more
    This one is completely literal. I always end up tying my hair up in one big fat knotty upstyle so this year I'm gonna try brushing my hair a few times. And maybe a few plaits.
    (and in the figurative sense... I'd say I let my hair down pretty often. ha)
  • Drink more Water
    Wedding. Toxins. It's pretty self explanatory.
  • Good Vibrations, Strong Foundations.
    This year will be my first year of marriage (woop!). Warren and I will be building the foundation of the rest of our lives - so this year I resolve to laugh often, accept gracefully, forgive readily and love unconditionally.Yoh, I'm deep.
  • Become a Better "morning person"
    Warren hears his alarm and wakes up like a spritely morning lark. I hear my alarm, smash it with the snooze-hammer and roll like a lard-sack back into slumberville. This may be attributed to the fact that I am of the beady-night-owl-variety that stays up long past the moon getting lost in the realm of the internet/good books/crafting/things-in-general. This year I am aiming to become a better morning person and whilst this may not necessarily mean waking up at 4:40am (ahem mother) to get to gym, it will mean one less "snooze" on the alarm clock... maybe.
  • Learn more, think more, shoot more.
    This year I wish to learn more. Last year I completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Education which enables me to teach in the intermediate phase. Yesterday I started a course on HTML coding I've always been excited about learning new skills to add to my bag of tricks (it also could be the prospect of new "study-stationery" that makes me keen). Apart from specific courses and certificates, this year, I want to learn more by doing more. ("Doing more" being operative. See Resolution #1). I have vowed this year to take more pictures - I have a very lovely SLR camera but with the iPhone camera quality being so good, it has almost replaced my big SLR - it is way more of a mission to lug around a big heavy camera when a quick iPhone snap will do the job. This year I wish to take more "fancy-snaps" (Edit: I took my camera all the way down to Durban with me for the weekend over New Years - and then failed to take a single picture. But, at least I'm headed in the right direction, right?)
2013... I'm dubbing you, THE YEAR OF THE WEDDING - it has honestly just snuck up on me and in 3 months and 2 days, I'll be marrying my biggest fan, my greatest listener, my most reliable friend and my funnest-partner-in-crime - who also just so happens to be damn-fine-good-lookin' too. Well done self. 
Well. done. 

For anyone new to indieBerries - next week I have some hilarious cartoons for you - one involving an email request from an indieBerries reader - (something similar to this one) and a few other cartooned "South Africanisms". I am also going to be sharing some of the wedding DIYs I've been busy with and a few more holiday snaps.

In the meantime - don't forget to enter the Consol Glass Giveaway Competition where you can win some awesome goodies - You can enter HERE or you can leave a post on the indieBerries' Facebook Page.


ps. pic of roses - taken from my garden.


  1. Wow! my sister is also getting married on the 5th of April! Also to an England based South African! Are you planning on using your PGCE any time soon??

  2. Whoop, it's my year of the wedding too, Safferman proposed before Christmas and we're gettin' hitched in December. All hail the busiest wedding season to find a darn venue!

    P.s Good luck with hair. Had that resolution last year and it works daytime, but not evenings

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! good luck with all the planning! such an exciting and fun time!! yay!!!!

  4. WHEEEEE!!!! we must be kindred spirits!! and... i definitely dont plan on using my PGCE ANY time before the wedding is done!! haha

  5. hehe! as a teacher I am 100% glad to hear that :-) I got married in the middle of term - stoopid!!!!
