
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A week of breakfast

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Breakfast. It's my absolute favourite meal of the day. Basically - I go to bed at night dreaming about what I'm going to eat the next morning. And then I wake and my pillow is missing. (just kidding, #dadjoke).

So anyway, after the Eat n Snap Walkshop I did with Michelle from MY creative - I have vowed to take more snaps (on manual) So I thought I would share my week-day breakkie-sessions with you:

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Monday: All bran flakes || mixed nuts || almond milk || apple and cinnamon tea. (Have actually taken a little sabbatical from dairy after reading this blog post on Doll Face - a blogger I met through The Blogcademy. Will see how it goes!) Also - am busy week-planning in this post - can you tell?

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Tuesday: Oats || mixed nuts || honey || strong coffee and almond milk

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Wednesday: Grapefruit || boiled egg

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Thursday: Oats - plain || coffee with hazelnut milk

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Friday: All bran with mixed nuts and hazelnut fruit

And just WAIT until I show you what we Warren cooked up for Sunday breakfast! 
Full post to follow... 

And here is one of my favourite tumblers of all time - BKFST

oh wait.. can you hear that?


that's my stomach -

growling like a mountain lion - breakfast time, people.



  1. Definitely the best meal of the day. I dream of opening a restaurant one day that just serves breakfast - all day (get very upset when I miss the brunch time at a place). Alternatively would be happy if someone opens that restaurant, preferably somewhere pretty close to me. Have you seen this site:

  2. Yummy! All of those pics make me want to eat breakfast again and it's already dinner time in Taiwan...And that tumblr-mmmm!

  3. Yummy! Your brekkies look sooo good! :)

  4. Oats vs porridge? difference?
    LOVE porridge with homemade peanut-cashewnut butter. 800g of peanuts to about 250g cashews is freakin' amazing, if you ever feel like having your hand on a blender button for 15 minutes. And ignore the US receipes which call for added oil//sugar, aint nobody got time for that

  5. Waw your breakfasts are uber healthy! I am really bad for not having breakfast but slowly trying to change that and this has definitely inspired me even more! I'll never be as healthy as this though, go you! xxx

  6. hahaha breakfast for dinner is the BEST thing!

  7. oooh that sounds delish! will try for sure!
    {jungle} oats if you're south african.... Porridge if you're scottish
    haha - no i just made that up :) x

  8. i dream of ALL the delicious breakfasts! haha
