
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

indie make-over

As you can tell, for want of something new - i am in the process of hacking up ye ol' blog and dare i say a more "mature" look. lol. You can see some of my little scribbles in the background but it's still a work in progress at the moment and there are a few different things I'm going to be trying out in the next little while. There will probably be strange things appearing all over the place aka green phenomenon on the right. Do not be afraid of these creatures - They are our friends. But those HTML gremlins that eat your code?  Yeah, you can smack those guys in the face.


  1. Looking purdy! Wait though, does this mean you're going to get all mature now too? Hope not. ;)

  2. Loving the new look :) very *mature* hehe xx

  3. Looks great so far! Thanks again for contributing to our blog, it looks fab!

  4. haha - "mature" does not equal more serious :) on with the lols. :)

  5. love the new look and the green little gremlins :) haha! ^_^ hope to see more of them on more random places!
