
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Taking Stock

 photo takingstock_zps1a52cb01.jpg
image sourced via Pinterest originally from Ponderings

My main sponsor from last month and one of my current sponsors have recently published blog posts that are very "introspective/taking stock" type of posts - see here and here. I really enjoyed reading them so have decided to do my own "taking stock" post - inspired by The Daybook (also one of my faves) as seen on Midlands Musings.

Making: You mean, what am I not making? Doodle books, greeting cards, business cards, postcards, websites, party packs, stationery... it's a mad house here.
Cooking: haha... that's funny.
Drinking: Red wine. Although my glass is currently empty. That's disappointing. 

Reading: Not enough! SOB. (see "making" above) :( I have a Crafts Magazine UK next to my bed - not that it counts.
Wanting: my husband. He has been in Botswana for the week, I have been in South Africa. I will see him again next Thursday.
Looking: at my mom and dad in the lounge, watching that American talent show.
Playing: Poliça, Bastille.
Wasting: good sleeping hours on "making things"
Sewing: I wish.
Wishing: for extra hours in the day. And maybe a fully furnished villa in Spain.
Enjoying: ticking things off the never-ending to do list.
Waiting: for emails so that I can confirm my doodle book batch print!
Liking: my new hair cut.
Loving: being alive! Even though it's crazy, busy, exhausting.
Hoping: to get out for a run tomorrow.
Marveling: at the guy on TV eating whole eggs with the shells on. (Dude?!)
Needing: a professional-quality printer. Buy one for me?
Smelling: the leftover Thai curry my dad cooked - it was delish!
Wearing: pyjama pants, slippers, Rhodes hoodie
Following: a non-dairy diet.
Noticing: trends in blogging and creative business ownership - more to follow.
Knowing: that husband will call me in the next half an hour. HAPPY GIRL!
Thinking: about new stationery ideas, new blog posts, new book ideas, new cartoons, new things to print and ways to promote - ALWAYS thinking. It's a busy little mind up in here!
Bookmarking: the answers to the question I asked on twitter, "if you could have any super power what would it be?" - some good ones!
Opening: too many internet windows at once.
Giggling: at the cartoons I made last night.
Feeling: overwhelmed. I could do with an extra week of sleep. Lol.

What can you take stock of at this moment?

In other news: I am heading back to London tonight - I will be reunited with the husband after almost 3 weeks. Which is an excellent thing because I have been saving up all my jokes to spam him with when I get back. If I stayed away any longer, I would start forgetting all my punch lines and then WHAT kind of wife would I be? Our very first Photo Hunt Event is taking place this weekend in Shoreditch - we have had such a good response (esp considering it's just our first little event!) and I'm so excited for it! Will have loads to share about it after the weekend. We already have loads of cool goodies for our participants! Get excited yo!


  1. Xandra | Fashionably Light ★October 23, 2013 at 10:47 AM

    Oo I love this format! I'll be doing one soon, I'm sure :)

  2. xxx can't wait to see the cartoon X

  3. :) I am excited SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! Xxx

  4. So excited for all the making!! :) When do you plan on starting to sell your stuff? I saw a preview of your doodle book on Julie Ann Art and I LOVE it!!
