Wednesday, April 7, 2010

50 quirky things you didn't know about me

  1. I am a cooking catastrophe. I have blown up a casserole dish, melted a frying pan and exploded an egg in my microwave.
  2. I eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. I get clammy palms and sweat nervously when I walk into a stationery or book store.
  4. I am NOT a morning person.
  5. My birthday is on the 20th July.
  6. I was born three months early.
  7. I’m obsessed with strawberries, not only are they the perfect combination of complimentary colours, they are aesthetically pleasing, sultry, sexy, fresh and just plain delicious.
  8. I’m a school nerd. I love school. My 21st birthday party theme was ‘back to school.’
  9. I’ve been to 17 countries and counting…
  10. I have a small tattoo – I love it :)
  11. I went on an international school exchange to England when I was 16.
  12. I broke my two front teeth when I was 9. (Piggy back races are not for the faint hearted.)
  13. I believe red wine and dark chocolate cures everything.
  14. I have a digital camera, a poloroid camera, a Diana F+ and an action sampler. I love cameras and photography.
  15. I dislike bad spelling and grammar.
  16. When I went skiing for the first time, I had to be taken down the mountain in a bright orange body bag. I got over-ambitious and realized too late that I’m not that skilled.
  17. I’ve ridden an ostrich.
  18. When I was younger, I had an imaginary friend named Courtney. My gran even set a dinner place for her.
  19. The Little Mermaid is the first movie I can remember watching on the big screen.
  20. But I am not very good at remembering movies or movie names.
  21. If I could have any super human power – it would be ‘Matilda’ powers – you know, move things with my super human mind…
  22. My University was infamous for ‘dress-up’ parties. I have been to parties dressed as a nun, a princess, trailer-park-trash, a caveman, a pirate, a zebra, a school-girl, a cat, a cowboy, a fisherman, an antelope,  Bridget Jones,  Alice in Wonderland and a Greek Goddess.
  23. I’m very scared of the dentist.
  24. My toes look like they come from an alien species. :)
  25. If I could be anywhere right now, it would be a beautiful warm beach…
  26. I love drawing cartoons and doodles.
  27. I have already decided on my first daughter’s name: Kenton – it’s a beautiful beach in South Africa.
  28. My favourite kind of shopping is at flea markets and outdoor vintage stalls.
  29. I spell colour and favourite with a U. It’s the South African way.
  30. I’m very indecisive… I think…
  31. I have over one hundred pairs of earrings
  32. I don’t have any pets
  33. When I was younger, I wanted to be an actress. I started out studying acting at University as a minor.
  34. I have a Bachelor of Journalism degree specializing in graphic and communication design.
  35. I have a scar on my right cheek. I fell off a merry-go, I was dizzy and it came around and sliced me in my face.  I had seven stiches. I was 5.
  36. I have to have hot drinks like coffee and hot chocolate, BOILING hot. It’s something I’ve inherited from my mom.
  37. I’m a very animated storyteller
  38. I hate being cold.
  39. I really like my name :) Thanks mom and dad!
  40. I love snail mail and beautifully wrapped packages.  
  41. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day: cereal, bacon, eggs, pancakes, muffins, sausages, coffee.
  42. I am useless with ANYTHING related to banks, money, finance or taxes.
  43. If a spoon is required, I always have to find a teaspoon.
  44. I hate being cold. (Did I say that already? I have a bad memory)
  45. It is a tradition at my high-school to go skinny dipping at the end of the year…
  46. I am good at reading maps.
  47. Sometimes I like a good cry.
  48. Wild monkeys break into my house in South Africa all the time. They attack the fruit basket and are particularly fond of avocado.
  49. Coffee completes me.
  50. I am a gypsey hoarder, I keep and collect everything from journals, pens, papers, stamps, scraps, ribbons, tapes, pictures, brochures and postcards. I just might need it someday

Make a list of quirky things about yourself and leave it on a bus, in a library book or blog about it.