Wednesday, August 21, 2013

{Wedding} Uber Bride

As you may know - we have lost all our professional wedding pictures. And by "lost" I mean, our wedding photographer had a dog vs hard drive catastrophe and let's just say the hard drives came off second best. You can read the whole long sob story here.

I have been trying to go through the few random pictures that we did get from the photographer - they are either mainly party shots or random crazy shots - most of them are screen-grabs of a a big computer screen which are obviously too low res to print.

Straight after the wedding I blogged about "how to be the most awesome bride evarrrr" in which (ironically) I mentioned that you should just be a real bride and not to worry about getting all the 'bridesy-shots' - your photographer will have that covered - lol turns out, all the photos I now have of me on my wedding day, I am either pulling a crazy face, laughing so hard it looks like I've been frozen in a pig snort or fishing something out my teeth. I'm not sorry. I have tried to scrape together bits and pieces from the few professional pics we have and the friends and family pics that I have asked them to send to me.

Let me be honest - our wedding album is turning out to be far from elegant. But - as wonderful husband says:
"Our love story is far from conventional. So, I guess we may as well have an unconventional wedding album to match."
Yeah, we love that guy.
I'd swop no-pictures to have found my soulmate, any day.

So - back to me hacking through the mess that is our wedding photos - I found these three photos which go together so I thought I would share them with you. Warren told me one of his mates was busy chatting to him when this whole debacle went down - 

 photo pushup1_zpsedaa18fa.jpg
 photo pushup2_zps015586bf.jpg  photo pushup3_zpsa35a9ac4.jpg  photo pushup4_zps76d98d23.jpg

like seriously? is there anything she can't do?!...

 photo pushup5_zps6f1e3516.jpg

 photo pushup9_zps9d528d40.jpg

Warren: "Um... Sorry... If you'll excuse me, I have to go cheer on my lovely new wife..."

 photo pushup8_zps110cee18.jpg

so yeah,

That happened.

 photo pushup7_zps5983e64f.jpg

Above: The unmistakeable leap of Victory.
{Picture left: "Did she just...?... wait. no. Did she just really... and that guy? And they were having a push-up contest... and she just beat..?...No.. she couldn't"}

Yeah buddy,
Yeah, I did.

  photo pushup10_zps42f5c517.jpg

So as I pull together random pics to (finally) show you some snippets from our day - be warned: you will not see elegant bridesy-portrait-composed moments - 
because we simply do not have them. 

You will only see the few random, crazy-beautiful in-between-snapshots bursting full of life - 
which, in all honesty

is exactly us.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dearest Stuart Prior

I will be re-challenging you to a push-up contest on your own wedding day -
and you had better not lose again.
Your beautiful new wife would be very disappointed - 
and I would hate to have to feed her alcohol to drown her sorrows.

Until then -
Mrs Dyer (League Wife).