Friday, January 31, 2014

Fun Facts: The food edition

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Today's Fun Fact Friday is the FOOD Edition! Let's begin!

I am sure you've all already been told about how much sugar is in Coca Cola - BUT, to put that in perspective for you - one Coca Cola contains the same amount of sugar as 1.77 shot glasses. Shot Glasses. Filled with sugar.

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Holy Moly.

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seeds an all, ya know.

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I went to China once. (That blog post is actually not that interesting.)

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That's NUTS man.

sorry, had to.

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So if you ever need to operate on your friend on some remote island,
you know what you need to do.

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MacDonald's has more than 761 000 employees worldwide. 
Which is more than the population of Luxemburg.

Also: MacDonalds sells more than 75 burgers every second.

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Warren was looking over my shoulder as I was drawing this...

Him: Wow! Really?
Me: Yes! Well. That's what it says on this website.
Him: You're a peach!
Me: And YOU'RE an almond. And that's why we're married.

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Am super looking forward to this weekend - it's been one of those long weeks. Ya know?
what are your plans? (ie: anything cool in London I should know about?)