Thursday, January 16, 2014

Heart of Iron

I'm so excited to introduce you to another one of this months main sponsors - Gaelyn Cokayne!
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I have had such a good time trawling through Gaelyn's blog, that I thought I would just take a moment or two to highlight exactly the level of FIERCENESS that we are talking about right here. Because, I guarantee you, it will blow your little mind.

In 2011, Gaelyn went for surgery. She suffered from CECS in her lower legs (which you can read about here). This required a "usually" quite simple surgical intervention to correct it. However, the doctor operating on her, cut the main nerve in her leg - leaving her with a drop foot. (You can read the whole story here - and check out some graphic gory images here! A really interesting read)
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So there was Gaelyn, after a surgical procedure that went horribly wrong - left with a drop foot. Or rather a left drop foot. Which, in a nutshell means, poor balance, paralysis of the muscles, dragging toes and excrutiating pain when walking or exercising. BUT. (and here's the clincher), instead of taking the world upon her shoulders, cursing the gods-of-karma, pointing fingers of blame and getting all -
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I mean.


I have both my legs fully functional and I don't think
I would even CLICK over to a triathlon website.
So, that pretty much blows my mind.

To illustrate another "part" to Gaelyn's blog and personal journey, 
I have decided to share a little gif with you to give you the general idea:

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That's correct.
She lost 35kg.
Thirty. Five.

(check out some of her before pics here -
you will hardly even recognise her!)

You can watch her weight-loss journey and all the ups-and-downs on her blog. She has also recently started a new weight loss program "A new weigh" which you can find more details for on the blog. What I love about Gaelyn's blog (and her program) is that it is super REAL.

Her story of "the triathlon that wasn't" shows you just the kind of fierceness and determination that this woman has - and it is honestly incredible. (HINT: you may cry).

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Gaelyn isn't afraid to tell it like it is, to share her life - the ups and downs with a very definite GET BACK ON THE HORSE attitude! And incredibly, considering everything about her situation - there isn't a single shred "oh hey everyone, come over here and feel sorry for me". (And read her {step} daughters comment in this post - so beautiful!)

Take a few moments to go check out Gaelyn's blog - and delve back into her archives.

And, I can promise you, I am not just saying that because she's sponsoring indieBerries this month-
I'm telling you that because

she is awesome

Gaelyn is attempting the 70.3 triathlon for the second time at the end of this month -
so, I suggest you go GIVE HER SOME LOVE.

Thank you so much Gaelyn for sharing your story and your journey - you are so inspiring!

Follow her here:

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