Winter is coming to the land of Paju, South Korea and even although we have only had our very first (minor) cold spell. I am already suiting up. Cold and I are not friends. A few reasons why:
1. epic clothing.

2. Along with epic clothing comes the following problem:

3. See below. It's self explanatory:

ALSO, in korea: it lasts forever; your electricity bill gets pathetic; you have to sleep in several thousand layers of clothes and several thousand layers of blanket; getting out of bed in the morning is the greatest accomplishment; working out is infinitely more difficult (mainly because it involves having to remove clothes); doing anything other than getting under your duvet and eating seems like a very dumb idea.
1. epic clothing.

2. Along with epic clothing comes the following problem:

3. See below. It's self explanatory:

not lovely.
4. You eat. Then you eat. Then you want to eat again.

ALSO, in korea: it lasts forever; your electricity bill gets pathetic; you have to sleep in several thousand layers of clothes and several thousand layers of blanket; getting out of bed in the morning is the greatest accomplishment; working out is infinitely more difficult (mainly because it involves having to remove clothes); doing anything other than getting under your duvet and eating seems like a very dumb idea.
generally, not cute.
Aaah! It'll be my first winter here and my nerves are fast elevating! More so after reading this O_o
Oh guuurrrlll, loving your new blog design. Looks beaut!
Fantastic! I found your blog yesterday & I love it!! Your cartoons describe just how I'm feeling now winter is starting here in the UK, being an SA girl myself, I hate being cold!! Thanks for keeping me smiling!
Winter can be brutal, especially when you come from the East Coast of SA and find yourself in the middle of a New York Snowstorm! I've grown used to piling on the clothing (which comes in handy to cover up my now VERY american eating habits) and got into snowboarding. So most years I find myself counting down the days until the first snow fall. Alas, this year with the baby-bump there will be now boarding for me. Just cold toes and piling on the layers (if they even fit me!)
Argh Winter sucks piles! I am however, super excited for Summer.
Sorry. That's mean of me.
Think of all the hot boots you'll get to wear :-)
Um... trying here. Yeah... Not helping. I'm sorry.
OH WINTER!! the WORST!! let's hibernate FOREVER! hot choc and blankets on me.
kekeke :) "amercian eating" lol. on the bright side you can always use the "eating for two" excuse! my snowboarding/skiing adventures are NOT that awesome :)
gooooooood luck. that's all i have to say about that.
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